Contributing Weekly Tithes & Offerings is an Act of Worship

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Organizations EPC Supports, include:

RP Global Missions

RPGM motivates and leads the denomination to fulfil the Great Commission by planting strong churches outside of the bounds of presbyteries in North America and by ministering to nationals wherever they may be.


Pregnancy Care Centre

The PCC seeks to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ by offering practical, emotional and spiritual help to those affected by a crisis pregnancy. [EPC was one of the churches which founded the PCC.]


Scott Mission

Founded to serve Jesus Christ, in faith, through effective stewardship that puts the spirit of Christ into concrete, positive action through well-rounded, spiritual and social services to men, women and children where there is a defined need and as means are provided.


Yonge Street Mission

Changing Lives. Building Communities. Transforming Toronto.
